Session 6: Feline Rescue Squad
An ongoing adventure of the Mary Lin D&D Club
After learning of the two abducted cats, the party argued briefly about whether dogs or cats were better animals. Though they couldn’t reach a conclusion, the dog people sided with their friends and joined the rescue effort. The giant rats and their wererat bosses had a head start, and the party wandered up into the mountains for the better part of a day before finding themselves near a large wooden wall, complete with a gate broad enough for a wagon, bordered by two large guard towers. They decided to briefly get sneaky, arrange themselves on either side of the gate, and then cast every spell of which they could think.
Minnie threw a thunderwave at one guard tower, completely unmooring it and blasting the wererat guard from his perch. Mia called on the moon, bringing burning argent fire down on the other guard perch. Faerun began peppering the visible, scampering rats with arrows. Indigo snuck in and started throwing knives at everything that moved. Slowly, the party pushed into the wererat village-fort until they spotted a group of rats and Kuo-toa gathered by a fire near two trussed cats. Fighting with more intensity, the party overwhelmed the wererats: the moon forced some to transform painfully back into their human forms, Minnie followed up her thunderwave by pointing at wererat after wererat, telling a bad joke, and watching them dissolve into laughter, and Faerun and Indigo continued to carve a path directly to the captured cats. The rats got in a few bites and scratches of their own, drawing blood from Minnie and Mia.
Even so, the battle didn’t last long, with the Kuo-toa escaping down the river and the wererats either unconscious, incapacitated, or having fled into the mountains. With the cats rescued, the party began talking with the captured wererats. They felt bad at having destroyed the fort the rats called home, so they offered to help fix things. A few hours of labor and spells of mending later, things were looking much more homey again, and the party left to return to the beached ship.
There, they presented the rescued cats back to the ship’s captain, who was extremely grateful. He bowed to the cats, which the party found a peculiar thing to do, but they joined in, since many of them felt cats to be basically awesome. These two were: their forms started to shimmer, stretch, and in an instant, two very tall cat-people stood before the party and the ship’s crew. They were princesses of the Tabaxi, a group of desert cat-people. The Princesses Badoura and Camaralzaman were representatives of their tribe who had chartered the ship, The Mighty Scratcher, in an effort to secure more fish for their people.
Unfortunately, while travelling up the coast, their ship was struck by an odd watery phenomenon. It was like a roller coaster of a tidal wave sweeping down a channel, and left them and their ship somewhat crippled, and stuck in this lake. The party quickly did the math, and offered to introduce the Princesses to their village, which had plenty of fish. In exchange, they’ll get a ride on their ship. With the deal quickly struck, the party, and their new Tabaxi allies made for home.