Session 7: Whatever happened to Warwick?
An ongoing adventure of the Mary Lin D&D Club
Safely in their cabin on the fast caravel, The Mighty Scratcher, the party began to relax for the first time in days. Each took to one of the hammocks mounted to the walls of the cabin and quickly fell asleep, only to be awoken to a giant mouse squeaking in their cabin! Easily five feet tall, the mouse was actually a mouse-person, a weremouse, and was wearing clothes much like them! Confused, the party held back, and quickly realized that this wasn’t any weremouse, but was Mia, their druid, who must have been cursed with lycanthropy by the wererats from the mountain fort. Though somewhat panicked, the party managed to quickly calm things down and Mia managed to resist the nearly overwhelming sense that everyone would be happier if she bit them and they too could be wonderful fuzzy mice.
Unfortunately, there were two giant cat-people on board. The Princesses Cam and Badoura must have sensed the giant prey on board, and quickly made their way to the party’s cabin. They politely knocked, Indigo politely answered, and both the Tabaxi Princesses’ and Mia-mouse’s eyes went huge. The Tabaxi leapt into the room, Mia ran up the walls, and Minnie, Indigo, and Faerun jumped on everyone to calm things down. With some excellent persuasion and Mia’s mouse tail as a distracting toy, Indigo and Mia managed to convince the Tabaxi that Mia herself wasn’t a toy, or prey, but was one of their rescuers. They listened, sheathed their claws, and decided to chase the yarn, and Mia’s tail, instead. The journey resumed, and quickly the party arrived back at Warwick’s house.
Or, what was left of it. Warwick’s home had been burned to the ground, his cows that had talked so eloquently about grass were gone, and he was nowhere to be seen. Quickly turning to investigate, the party suspected the flying raiders they’d seen over Lucy’s Lagoon may have attacked. Then Faerun spotted drag marks leading to the lake, and surmised that Warwick had been abducted by either the fishy Kuo-toa or their more carnivorous cousins, the Sahuagin. Either way, Warwick was likely to be underwater, and so far as the party knew, goblins can’t breathe underwater. Unsure what to do, or how to effect a rescue if they could, the party decided to continue escorting the Tabaxi back to the village to see about getting them a steady supply of fish for their people. There, they could see about ways to explore under the lake for Warwick.
While paddling on the coracle back to the anchored Mighty Scratcher, Minnie recalled that the dragon turtle sisters had given them a small, oddly shaped stone. The shape was reminiscent of something familiar, but no one in the party could place it. They knew, however, that it was supposed to help them find their reward for reuniting the sisters, one of the shells of Esther and Lucy’s ancestors. Minnie, inspired, decided to place the stone on the surface of the water. With a slight pulse and a tiny shock, the stone began to glow, quickly sending out waves of light across the surface of the lake. As they watched the waves quickly spread and propagate across the lake, the party imagined they could see the entirety of Great Bear Lake glowing, until, in one glorious moment, a gigantic pillar of light appeared north and slightly east of them, far in the distance. Minnie said, “ah, a glowy spot,” and the name stuck. The party realized the magic of the stone was connected to the lake, and the shape was actually the shape of the lake. Now, it showed a small glowing dot on its surface that mirrored the position of “the glowy spot” on the lake itself. Knowing where they would go next, the party reboarded The Mighty Scratcher, and set sail back to the village of Great Bear Lake.