Session 11: Underwater Safety


An ongoing adventure of the Mary Lin D&D Club
Once upon a time, there was a girl who could summon sharks and command the waves

Once Minnie puts the stone back on the surface of the lake, the pillar of light, aka, “the glowy spot,” reappears off to the northeast. Once there, the party starts debating how to proceed. While that happens, Indigo turns herself into an axolotl and dives into the water, shortly thereafter followed by Faerun with her SCUMBA. They begin searching, finding themselves alone on the lake but for the occasional fish. Diving lower, they spot what looks like a building on the lake floor.

Joined by the rest of the party, the group begins their descent, noticing a ring of sharks swimming what looks to be the perimeter of the building. They decide to land on the outskirts of the building and make their way in. A voice calls out to them through the water, asking what brought them to the lakebed, this spot, this ancient structure. “We’re searching for our friend, Warwick, who was captured by the Kuo-toa,” Indigo replies, setting off a conversation between what looks to be a light-green skinned woman comfortable perched on the edge of the structure, her hair tangled and floating in the movement of the water. At some point, the woman introduces herself as Kreppilie, that the lake is her home, and that Warwick is here, with her, and will remain. She notices that Minnie appears to be special, and asks if she can cast spells. Hearing her reply, Kreppilie nods, smiles, and invites Minnie to join her coven. Minnie declines, and Faerun, feeling like Kreppilie might turn on them, launches her attack.

Instantly, the sharks stop their lazy circles, and turn on the party. Avani confronts one, keeping it at bay with her sword, though taking two fearsome bites in the process. Mia, nearby, draws on her healing magic to staunch the wounds. Faerun wades in, launching two arrows, and drawing her sword to attack Kreppilie, who responds by conjuring a seaweed doppelganger of herself. Minnie throws a pinch of sand into the current, and watches as two sharks quickly fall asleep. And Indigo looks at one of the sharks, says something friendly but unintelligible, and watches as the shark reverses course, joining the party’s cause.

The fight grows in intensity with each party member fully engaged, until Faerun cuts down the doppelganger and swings on Kreppilie. Seeing the tide turn, Kreppilie releases a cloud of black ink, rendering everyone temporarily blind, before shooting away into the darkness of the deep water.

Victorious, the party moves towards Warwick, suspended in a bubble of air. Debating how to proceed, they notice that near to them is a turtle shell of monstrous proportions: the shell bequeathed to them by Lucy and Esther. The party investigates, and remembers their magical shrinker. Using it, the shell transforms into something small enough to put in a sack, which they do before giving Warwick a SCUMBA and escorting him to the surface, and their waiting ship. With Warwick safely aboard, the party hoist sails, and set off to return to the village of Great Bear Lake.



Something's Wrong at Great Bear Lake
Something's Wrong at Great Bear Lake

Written by Something's Wrong at Great Bear Lake

© 2019-2023 Ben Miller, All Rights Reserved

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